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This section focuses on the advantages of metallized materials, and reveals their efficiency and functionality as a packaging and label material. It also tells how they can promote sales of company goods in the following segments:


Beer Labels


Over half of the overall volume of metallized papers produced today is used as labeling for beer bottles, primarily in the premium segment. 

However, metallized papers are not reserved for the premium segment and can be used for mass segments. For instance, as POS materials (e.g. bottleneck tags, etc.) for both glass and PET-ware.
The major part of products in the PET segment lacks individuality with many brands resembling each other. So having such a bright POS tag on the package is primarily a means to make your product stand out from the rest.

Secondly, these materials can be used to communicate the value of the product, brand, company, and inform about special offers. In other words, this is a chance to form and strengthen the brand’s image, and to establish its history.

 According to numerous marketing studies, in a correctly organized campaign, the POS materials can significantly contribute to brand awareness, make people more loyal, and attract new product consumers if the product is intended to be consumed in groups, which is to a large extent true for the PET segment.


All this results in increased demand for the product and makes sales go up.

The POS materials on metallized paper have the following advantages compared to white paper materials:


  • They are more attractive as compared to the materials on white paper/board;
  • They are functional and reliable – as they do not undergo deformation, being alkali and moisture resistant, which is especially important in summer. 

Soft Drinks 

The label in the soft drinks category is one of the most eye-catching as it is mainly targeted to young audiences. This makes this segment one of the most competitive for the consumer’s attention on the product shelf, as without a well-defined brand image and a well-performing PR and advertising campaign, the soft drink packaging is very similar.

 How do you make your product stand out among its rivals? The answer is obvious: the packaging needs perfecting and the space of the supermarket should be actively used.

 There are two ways to perfect the label:

  • First – work on the label’s design. Perhaps settle for a more minimalistic option and/or a label with a carefully chosen semantic and visual row, using correct symbols and insights; 
  • gazvodaSecond – choose new labeling materials, metallized, for instance. Metal prints, as we have said above, look brighter and are more eye-catching. This will make the product stand out on the shelf and attract the attention of the younger target audience who prefers bright things.

It is possible to use POS made from metallized paper for the soft drink category. These materials will help make PR and advertising campaigns more efficient* (as compared to a simple company text printed on the label which is smaller, less informative as it is practically impossible to introduce one-off changes onto the label). The information on such materials can be lengthier. Plus, the packaging will attract more attention due to the brightness of the POS materials themselves. 

Mineral Water

Mineral water is a rather weak differentiated product category (water is divided into plain and sparkling) with minimal taste differences (non-carbonated waters taste very similar with a few exceptions, and the table and medical treatment mineral waters of different brands offer a similar value).

In this connection, the competition in this highly segmented brand category is very tough.

ТIt is also true that image comes to the foreground in this segment with companies spending huge budgets on advertising campaigns, interesting promo events trying to instill the image of their brand into the consumer’s mind as a source of energy, vigor, etc.   

mineralAs for the packaging, the brands are often limited by two colors – blue and green –, which communicate the functional and emotional advantages of their neutral product, which is water. Metallized materials could be recommended for this category as this is the very case where the metal gloss can be spontaneously good at conveying such properties as coolness, lightness, etc., which are very important for the water category.

It is possible to use POS based on metallized papers for the mineral water category. These materials can be used to communicate product value, brand, company, and to organize events, etc. In other words, they can be used to strengthen the brand’s image and continue making its history in-store.

All of this will undoubtedly increase the demand for mineral water of a specific brand and promote its sales.

Canned Food

konserviCurrently, this segment predominately uses labels printed on white paper. The label designs of different brands are very similar; as a rule, they carry the brand’s name and a big picture of the kind of fish or picture/symbol of the canned product.

The choice within the category is based on the price and popularity/brand loyalty. To increase trial buys in the category, using metallized labeling can be recommended. As we have mentioned several times above, they are good at attracting consumer attention.

Designers note that canned foods with metallized paper labels look more suitable as the gloss of the metal is visual on the can and the label.

From the point of view of branding, a can with a label made from metallized paper in some subcategories (e.g. fish cans) offers an additional natural visualization effect. The gloss of the label is better at communicating about the product, as on a subconscious level, the gloss of the metal can be spontaneously associated with the shine of the fish scales.

Household Chemicals

This segment predominantly uses packaging with a label based on white paper (dry or self-adhesive). However, there have been cases of using metallized paper, which is justified by the following reasons. 

ximiyaFirstly, such a label attracts attention to the product (which is especially true of trial buys when a favorite product is missing from the shelves).

Secondly, it clearly communicates such important product characteristics as cleanliness and spotless shine compared with the white label, which does not have this extra advantage. 

The packaging with a label made from metallized paper is bound to be somewhat more expensive than the white paper option. However, the difference in the price is not significant* (*according to the calculations of our clients at large printing houses) judging from the additional advantage which such a product will have, triggering a sequence of specific associations which is very important for this product category.
